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express your values in your praxis

So what glitters, turns to gold.

The Frame Brain helps colorful solopreneurs give shape and strength to the elusive elements of their business praxis so what glitters turns to gold.

Connecting the dots can make a seamless process out of disparate parts. Constructing your space can help you break apart assumptions and unlock potential. Choosing your adventure empowers you analyze your context and make formative decisions. Coloring your world brings your personal and professional values to bear on the multitude of options available at any business owner’s fingertips today.

  • Connect Your Dots
  • Construct Your Space
  • Choose Your Adventure
  • Color Your World

From My Clients

I’m SO proud of what we’ve done together!

Jessica, you’ve helped me unclutter my brain and truly are more of a business operations therapist 😉

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From My Clients

I love the fact that I can pass things over to Jessica, and she can solve problems better than I can.

As an entrepreneur serving international clients and managing creative teams across continents and oceans, I can’t tell you how valuable that is!!

Thank you for being you, Jessica.

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From My Clients

Despite our limited non-profit funding, I knew I really needed outside help to codify and institutionalize some our processes and procedures.

Jessica was able to work with us to pinpoint exactly where she could provide the most strategic value while staying within our budget. She pointed her expertise at the exact leverage points we needed to provide immensely high catalytic value.

She didn’t just talk about something and give advice; she rolled up her sleeves and created the things we needed.

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From My Clients

As someone who took the plunge into working for myself, I’m so thankful to have Jessica in my corner! As a creative, I was filled with so much self-doubt about handling business processes.

Working with Jessica has given me such confidence!

I used to freeze up, but Jessica really instilled a sense of surety in me by breaking down processes tailored to how I work and what I want to do. She is the most heartwarming and focused thought partner.

I personally feel like a huge weight is off my shoulders.

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From My Clients

I felt like a bucket full of ideas (randomized)—But that’s not the same thing as clear vision + a coherent plan. I knew I had greater value to give my own clients, but I was unsure of how to articulate it.

Jessica synthesized the creative and artistic with how she presented her analysis. For me, metaphors matter. Images matter. Non-linear exploration matters.

The process is a true conversation full of our own original thinking, and the answers emerge.

Jessica’s clear recommendations differed from where I would have landed in my own head.

Now, I have a clear understanding of how I can reorganize my work around the foundation of the greater value I can offer my world.

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From My Clients

At a critical point in which my business was gaining momentum and receiving international interest, Jessica helped me collate my ideas into practical leverage for the future.
She took both the historical context and future opportunities that I shared with her and generated a clear, prioritized list of activities and documentation that could support our expansion.
Throughout the collaborative process, she asked meaningful questions that helped me engage my team effectively. Her respect for my bottom line was showcased in her candid and clear management of our project workload and targeted scoping for maximum and timely impact.
Jessica responds with urgency but also retains the patience that dream-building requires—making her a valued partner to any leader.
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From My Clients

I remember coming into the discussion feeling confused and not knowing where to start.  While Jessica had a methodology, she chose to forgo the prescription to meet me where I was.  What started as an exploration of the esoteric ended with the block-and-tackle of getting stuff done.

Jessica found a balance of keeping me to task and going with the flow of what was going on in my world.  This work is inherently personal – from the branding to the methodology to the mechanics, and she helped me gracefully navigate the balance of passion and purpose with process and promotion.

With Jessica, I always felt respected when challenged and encouraged when down. I found clarity in our work together and am always eager to continue.

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Join Our Headspace

Hosted by Jessica Matthews, How I Create Me is a podcast for creatives thriving in the commercial world. We explore divergent productivity + celebrate remarkable humans.

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It's a riff on an old school "fortune teller" or "cootie catcher," an origami game of questions + answers with fate. The Frame Brain's iteration, a Clover Catcher, is a meditative decision-making tool designed to ground the user in their business values while choosing a path for their business praxis. Clover means prosperity, abundance, success--you get the drift. Ideal for Quarterly / New Year planning.

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Explore My Work

I offer 12 distinct products that scaffold together, from DIY to fully proprietary, to produce the shape and strength you need to support your business praxis

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